Monday, November 13, 2006

Blimey, what a busy week. Well, last week was very momentous as it was the week the judges for the Cleanest City were visiting us to judge us. Spent some time in the city centre and must admit the cleansing standard was excellent. If I was being picky I would say we were let down by the street furniture - some of our bins are looking very tired and desperately need replacing as well as some of the other street furniture. We also have some empty shops which are waiting to be demolished to make way for the new shopping centre - even though the street is clean, these can pull down the overall visual impression. Took one of my colleagues for his first ever Starbucks as we were doing a walk round - he chose an eggnog latte and woofed it down at warp speed. Most impressive.

On Tuesday we teleported down the M4 to an event in swansea at the new Liberty Stadium. Lots of police and fire service people as well as the DVLA - looking at streetscene issues in relation to crime and neighbourhood policing - lots of crossover issues. Very interesting and a lovely little goodie bag from the DVLA - I really am a sucker for these! The stadium was very impressive - it is a joint home for the Ospreys rugby team and the Swansea City Football Club. Lots of meeting and conference space, and it was good to see lots of different groups using it that day.

Friday was marred by the news that one of our community sweepers was very shaken but fortunately not hurt after some tosser threw a firework at her while she was on her rounds. Words cannot even describe the rage I feel. Here is a woman doing an important and appreciated job for her local community. The local Councillors, police officers, shopkeepers and residents all rave over her and the wonderful job she does. She quietly goes about her business, making her neighbourhood a better place, is cheerful, positive and well liked. And some idiot teenager thinks it's big and clever to try and frighten her and is very lucky she is not injured, maimed or worse. Why do people do this? Why do people spit at, stone, abuse our staff who are simply providing an essential public service? It really does depress me at times.

On a more cheerful note, we ordered the Christmas turkey over the weekend. It's a free range, organic bronze from Marks and Spencer and was described in such glowingly happy terms in the brochure that it clearly is being as fulfilled as a turkey possibly can be, eating delicious food, hanging out with its friends, enjoying the fresh air, sleeping on high thread count sheets at night, doing a little night class in pottery - all the things that keep a modern turkey happy and healthy.

We also braved the hell that is Toys R Us - presents for nephews. Anyone contemplating breeding should be forced to spend an hour there. The smell, the noise, the double buggies that completely block aisles, the tantrums, the daggers on the axles of the chariot model buggies pushed by ubermummies, the small children cannoning round corners with no thought for who or what could be round the corner, the depressing rows of primary coloured plastic tat - aaargh! And blatant sexual stereotyping on the toys - lots of cute little girls pictured with the "My first Mrs Mop" kit, my first Hoover, etc.... and in the science section - do you think there was a single female to be seen on a box cover? No, all boys, and even worse, wearing glasses. Grrr.

This week is going to be quite hectic too. We are interviewing for the Smoking Related Litter post on Wednesday and Thursday with one candidate coming on Friday owing to a family bereavement. I am looking forward to the interviews as we have some very strong candidates. Tomorrow is J's last day in work for a while as he's heading for Tenerife for a much deserved break with his family. Will continue to post as the week unfolds.

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