Friday, February 09, 2007

More snow. Drove to work OK but as soon as I arrived it really began to hammer down hard. We eventually called all the guys back in around 10, and by 11 most of the office based staff had gone. Drove home after 12 very gingerly - I hate driving in snow, and by then it was deep and slushy. Why do people tailgate in this weather?

Young master is in London, and as I type should be on his way home, GWR permitting. Unfortunately, just had email confirmation that the PPUK Valentine Love Run that he was entering tomorrow has been postponed due to the weather conditions. He had been looking forward to this so much and had been training hard to beat his previous time. As it is a park course, he should have been able to have made a fast time. Unfortunately, the race has been postponed to a date when we are away. Ho hum.

Have just finished a huge pile of ironing, and am now going to relax with some stitching. My sampler is progressing well. Tomorrow evening is Madam Butterfly - hoorah!

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