Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well, the main news is the new car. Andrew collected it yesterday, and I drove it for the first time today. After the Fiesta, it feels huge, like driving a tank, and the clutch is different too, so I stalled a couple of times today, which is not like me. Drove to work, and really enjoyed it. You feel as though you are piloting a giant tanker, which makes the driving style much more flowing and relaxed. Using musical terminology, it's legato rather than andante.

Received an invitation today to go up to Manchester - APSE have asked me to speak on our Smoking Related Litter project. Should be interesting and enjoyable. Spent the afternoon with our portfolio holder going over some spending proposals that he had asked us to prepare - a very positive meeting.

Travelled home to be greeted ecstatically by woof. Supervised the watering, and then did some vigourous cleaning. The only downside to owning a dog is the incessant cleaning required. After hoovering downstairs, mopped the kitchen floor and restored an appearance of order to the house, which is much more attractive. Somehow, an encrusted floor drags down the whole room even if it is tidy. As I write, woof is by my feet relaxing, probably dreaming of rabbits. Looking forward to the Bank Holiday weekend - nothing planned yet, but if fine we'll probably have a barbie, and am hoping to visit friend Liz on Sunday. As she has lots of dogs, it should be an interesting experience for Andy. What's wonderful though is that she has an enclosed, fenced paddock - so we will be able to let him run, which I am itching to see.

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