Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tour first. Since my last post, Vino and Rasmussen have both gone and the team roster is much lighter. What a race. How much more scandal can it take? Bradley Wiggins gave the most impassioned press conference yesterday - his team (Cofidis)was out after one of their riders tested positive too. He was not a happy bunny at all. From the way he spoke, it was as though his aspirations and dreams had been shattered. I felt for him. The race will be decided today in the time trial and appears to be between Contador and Cadel Evans with Leipheimer in with a chance. It will be riveting.

Dan arrived on Wednesday night and it's been busy since then. Unfortunately, although he immediately got on with Booty (well, who wouldn't?) Andy has taken a dislike to him and we have to keep them apart as much as possible, which id difficult as Dan keeps wanting to play with him - aargh! I don't particularly want to return Dan to his mum minus an ear or an arm.

Thursday, we went into town for a spot of shopping. Managed to successfully stock up on new uniform for next term, trousers, shirts and socks. Boring but necessary. He also got some Chanel fragrance, (start classy, I say), Thorntons chocs, Lush products, and a new hoody in H & M, as well as some more bling. A successful trip, marred only by monsoon conditions. Returned home, walked dogs. Then went and saw new Harry Potter film. V enjoyable, well made but it is the weakest of the book series and therefore the plot wasn't doing a lot. Had an Indian which we picked up on the way home.

Yesterday, took the dogs out first thing up to the Forestry in Rhudry. A good walk with stunning views over the Severn estuary and across to Somerset. Picked some wild strawberries and saw some amazing dragonflies. Returned home for lunch, and then went gun shopping in Gabalfa and Grangetown for a telescopic sight and some particular pellets. Mission successfully accomplished, much to Dan's satisfaction. On the way home, stopped off at Pets at Home for some dog food (we seem to virtually live in that shop now!) and another squeaky toy. Also went through a car wash, much to my and Dan's satisfaction. For some strange reason, I love the triple coloured foam. Bizarre.

Had a cup of tea, then Andrew and Dan went out cycling while I got on with some housework. This turned out to be much more eventful than I was expecting, as Booty fell in the pond. Managed to get her out, but all of us were traumatised. Towelled her down as much as possible and cuddled her for ages. She eventually decided to recover on the sofa and had a little rest there. She appears to be unhurt, just very shaken. The reason was that the people who live at the back of our garden have a yappy dog visiting them, and our two decided to rush out to investigate and respond when they heard it barking. Often in their rush they jump over the corner of the pond rather than going round it, on this occasion, this was not such a short cut.

Anyway Dan and Andrew had a good bike ride. Andrew then made some risotto, and we watched Hellboy. All retired to bed tired but happy.

By some miracle it is dry today and Andrew and Dan have headed off down the Bay for a pre booked boat trip. I'm catching up with the blog, then doing some ironing. Dog walk later and possibly a Chinese tonight. Dan may also go swimming. Tomorrow morning is the Great Wales Run. I will add some photos.

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