Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sublime and ridicolous - that's today. Firstly, the weather has been gorgeous, beautifully sunny and warm, really springlike. There are crocuses in the garden, the hamamelis looks good, and I think the quince is starting to wake up.

We took the dogs this morning down to Grangetown, to the old tip at Ferry Road, now covered over and turned into a park, near Ikea. The views from the top are fantastic, especially on a sunny day. We could see right up to Castell Coch to the north, and the city centre landmarks such as the Millennium Stadium were easily visible.
Apart from the fact I can't seem to keep away from landfill sites for very long, we went there also as Staples is nearby. Last night I finished working on a poster for the forthcoming GRW Easter dog show, and I wanted to photocopy it at the shop so I can distribute copies at the Executive meeting on Wednesday night. So, off we went, but I made the fatal mistake of not wearing my normal red walking boots, but put on my comfy old Clarks pasties. Wrong shoes, bad mistake. So, up we climbed and the hill was lovely but slippery. All around us, larksong (isn't that the most wonderful sound in the world?), a hovering kestrel, blue sky and sunshine. Sadly also, huge piles of dog crap and near the top, masses of litter and even worse, broken glass. Not a bin in sight. That doesn't excuse dropping litter, but I firmly believe it should be made easy for people to do the right thing. I doubt if there is any point complaining as Parks a) are terrible at answering letters and b) have just cut their budget for litter clearance in parks - grrrr. Anyway the woofs and we enjoyed the sunshine and the views, as evidenced in the attached snaps. Coming down a slippery bit, I did the comedy pratfall beautifully and ended up with a posterior lavishly coated in mud and grass. Nothing hurt except my dignity, thankfully, and Andrew kindly volunteered to go into Staples for me, rather than me wander around with a large posterior liberally coated in gunk. I sat in the car, on my fleece like a naughty girl and when Andrew returned, we went home. Have pottered around, and Andrew has been in the garden cleaning the pond filter, and similar tasks.
Finally, should also mention that my Moo cards have arrived, and I am absolutely delighted with them, the speed of service and am already thinking of ordering some more. If you ever correspond with me, you can now expect to receive some of these with cards, letters, etc..

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