Sunday, March 02, 2008

A quick and dirty post for this evening. Andrew has spent the weekend with the computer. He tried a variety of reboots with no success, which left us with the nuclear option which we had hoped to avoid of completely restarting with factory settings. Our documents are fine but this would mean the loss of our email. Anyway, we've done the deed, the beast is working now and I'm typing this on it. With of course 20/20 hindsight DH has now arranged for all email received in future to be copied into a web based folder so we can access it if it falls over. That's great, but doesn't get us over the current hump.

If you want us to have your email address, and think we had it, we don't any longer so please, RESEND US an email. Or you can leave a comment with your address on it.

Annoyingly this buggers up a number of ongoing things, including some greyhound stuff, some ATC swops and just generally keeping in touch with people. So, dear readers, get those outboxes pinging.

And smug Mac users - the Germans have a useful word for it - schadenfreude I believe?!!

Otherwise, not much to report, except for finishing the seams on the quilt, and greyhound walk this afternoon. Oh, and we've got frogs in the pond, and the quince is flowering.

1 comment:

Jonathan said... (and that's me, cousin Jonathan, in case you hadn't already worked it out!). J x