Sunday, March 25, 2007

Well, here he is - the young master having just completed a PB time of 52:39, more than 3 minutes better than his last race before Christmas. I am very impressed. His overall sleek black look was somewhat marred though by his enormous white trainers which made his feet look like boats. In his left hand he is carrying a free race Tshirt. This is him just walking back up from the finish towards the car park. People are visible behind him still finishing. What was slightly worrying was that the race was run on roads that were not closed and also taking place in the area this morning was a cycle race. It was lovely to see him racing down the hill to finish.

We popped in to Marks and Sparks on the way back - he stocked up on a huge number of socks. I bought a new shirt. I was struck by how much of the spring stuff seems to be monochrome. A bit funereal. Came home, ate lunch and he enjoyed a lovely bath while I went upstairs for a nap. We had been caught out by the change of time today, so had dashed out of the house in 10 minutes flat. Apparently I was snoring like a warthog - ah, the joys of marriage....

Enjoyed a delicious venison casserole and caught up with some recorded TV - we love Boston Legal with William Shatner and Candice Bergen - they must have such fun writing the scripts, followed by CSI NY, another fave. Did some cross stitching and caught up with the paper. I am also glad to report that at least four of the sunflower pots are showing signs of germination - this is very exciting. Now for the week ahead - who knows what it will bring?

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