Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A happier post today I hope. Disappointing CSI last night, especially as last week was a real corker with full-on H doing his manly posing and quotable lines - "Burn, baby burn" being a fine example as he walked away from an exploding car that he was brave enough to drive away from people so as to minimise blast damage - ah, bless..... all the while of course, wearing his darkest shades, flexing his hands on his hips, and flashing that badge. It's like the world's most stylish panto and I love it.

Took the dogs over to Tredegar House this morning. Walking round the lake, I noticed the cygnets - they are now nearly as big as their parents, although still grey. It's been lovely watching them grow over the summer. After returning the woofs to the car, I then strolled over to the craft shop and successfully enrolled in an autumn quilting course. The lady in the shop was very helpful and showed two examples of the quilt we will be making (a sampler quilt). Each quilt was in a different colourway which changed the look of the finished item dramatically- so I now have to give some serious thought as to what colours to choose, which in turn will be dependant on where I put it and what I do with it.

Have just finished another mountain of ironing, and am about to do some card-making. Bliss. The hounds are fast asleep on the bed, looking very peaceful. Booty came in to me in the middle of the night - I was vaguely aware of her hopping up and when I woke this morning she was still curled peacefully at my side. Jake continues to hop along happily, still licking his paw regularly. He is thoroughly enjoying his walks and appears incredibly bouncy the rest of the time so I am not too worried about him. He is also enjoying the extra attention. Loads of cuddles and lots of soppy brown eyes looking cute.

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