Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Greetings comrades! Hot greyhound news is that the ABs are now kicking in and while pegleg's paw continues to improve, things are not so good at the other end. Green and yellow not so good. Scooping while out on walks is becoming extremely difficult. Is this TMI? Perhaps. The invalid joined us in bed last night, not something he makes a habit of when both of us are in it. Woke up this morning to find a large hound securely wedged between us, looking contented and sleepy. Booty continues to sleep in her normal location. What is noticeable is that as the mornings are becoming less light and definately colder, they are not so keen on the 6 am wake up call, in fact a comfy duvet is more attractive and some days they have to be "encouraged" to come downstairs. Rattling the Bonio box always seems to work. My tactic is to lure them outside with Bonio bribes and then shut the door behind me, so they cannot return to the warm until they have performed. When it's cold and wet, they are much less interested in prolonged and leisurely sniffing, and a more businesslike approach prevails.

Quilting class tonight. I had done my homework, and was pleased with what I had done, although I did need to redo a couple of the squares, when the smaller square pieces weren't quite lined up. After stitching them all, pressed them, which does make a difference. Tonight we joined up rows of the squares, and then joined rows together. All very exciting. Then we moved on to cutting out the pieces for the next chunk, which involves triangles. This is more tricky as you cut the angle on the bias which means the fabric can wiggle as you sew it and there is the possibility you won't end up with a perfect square. More homework to do, involving both cutting out and making up pieces. Should keep me out of mischief.

Debating at the moment whether to go to see Christy Moore, when he plays here next month. Andrew has bravely offered, which I'm impressed by, as he loathes folk music or anything like it (yes, I know CM is not a "pure" folk artist). Have also been contacted by Sarah, who wants to come up for a weekend soon. Since leaving school and going to college in Llanelli, her fledgeling Gothiness has matured, and her Bebo page is now very black, and full of pictures of skulls and so on. Ah, happy memories. I must admit I am very glad she is a Goth, as it's a look I like very much and it offers a lot of scope. I'd be mortified if she turned into Chavzilla with an orange tan, enormous hoop ear-rings, scraped back hair, and her muffin top on display, nicely accessorised by a tacky thong and naff tats.

On a more positive note, Leila has booked her flights and hotel for New York - hoorah!! By the wonders of the internet, she can now call up her hotel booking and gaze at it lovingly. At this rate, she should be a union rep.

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