Sunday, January 28, 2007

Another satisfying weekend.... First, the bathroom. We've bought paint for it - it's a metallic sparkly very dark blue, sort of disco infinity, yeah baby..... Also purchased a new light and Andrew spent today manfully fitting it, so the bathroom now has lots of sparkly halogen loveliness. Plumber David who is lovely will be returning later in the week to pick up his thermos which he left behind and to complete the last little bit of tiling, then Andrew will be painting, and then it will be virtually complete.. So exciting to see it come together.

Succumbed to the lure of the garden centre today and returned home with a quince (Geisha Girl, a lovely delicate, creamy peach colour blossom) and a hamamelis - yellow, although they also had some beautiful rust colour ones which tempted me sorely. Also bought some more granules for combating the ever present cat crap menace - I loathe them. Bulbs are now poking through most excitingly with lots of crocus in bud, and some hyacinth and narcissus not far behind. Apart from last week briefly, it has been wet and mild rather than cold so bulbs developing well. Tomorrow should be an interesting day in work.

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