Friday, January 26, 2007

I can't believe it's already Friday and so much to write about. Firstly, the Glamorgan sausage controversy. This is a Welsh delicacy - a meatless sausage, usually made with cheese, breadcrumbs and sometimes chopped leeks, and very delicious it is too. Before Christmas, my friend Leila (down in deepest Devon) found some on sale in her local Sainsburys and sampled them, and called to say how much she had enjoyed them. This then developed so that when I was out and about and saw one, for instance at the farmers market, I would text to report a sighting. Yes I know, little things etc..... Anyway, during a recent conversation on this subject (when we weren't solving the Middle East peace crisis, or lamenting the state of the modern novel) we agreed that actually a Glamorgan sausage has a really naughty ring about it, just begging to be a synonym for a deviant sexual practice. A Cumberland Sausage has no such ring, somehow it sounds worthy and hearty and rather dull, but a GS..... Anyway, I've asked several colleagues to put their thinking caps on. This led to some very interesting and surprising revelations and suggestions, most of which so far have revolved around knee tremblers in the wilder reaches of Merthyr.... however, I think the search is still on. So far, the suggestions are sex with two vegetarians, or watching two vegetarians having sex. I welcome any further thoughts....

Today is Leila's birthday - hurrah!! Go Leila..... Sounds like she had a really lovely day getting on the right side of a Chocolate temptation, admiring a waiter's cute butt, and wanting to ravage the flower delivery man...... Excellent.

Work is interesting. We are continuing to work on the new job descriptions and person specifications for the management restructure. New supervisory posts are being created for flytipping and hazardous waste, graffiti and flyposting, public conveniences, an asst to our transport manager, two senior supervisors, a new service support officer, a service development officer, and two new rejigged management positions. So exciting, working on these and seeing the ideas take shape and become reality. With our Enforcement unit, we are setting out for taking on skip permits,dog fouling, graffiti, highway permits for tables and chairs, abandoned vehicles, trolleys (S 99) and new notices under S 33, 34, 46 and 47 - can't wait! The new CNEA is what a colleague describes as a helicopter gunship for us - I like his turn of phrase. Personally, I love the idea of my own submarine, but really I'd like a tank with a RPG on the front to attack flytippers, caravans, cars with sickly baby on board stickers and men who drive wearing hats...

The bathroom now looks so gorgeous - I expect an orderly queue to form of admirers at the front door. The shower curtain is perfect for it - tomorrow we go to buy the paint for the finishing touches (and then I can visit a towel emporium, ha ha ha ha.... )

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