Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another lovely sunny day. No more naked Scotsmen today, but I suppose it wouldn't do for that to become a habit. I attach some more photos, firstly one of Andrew yesterday doing manly stuff with the pond. You can see how green the garden is looking, and should be able to see the crocus flowering behind him.

Today we went down to Staples to collect the completed photocopying, so while there decided to visit another park - Hamadryad Park which then links up with the wetland behind the St Davids Hotel, overlooking the Bay. Enjoyed ourselves as did the woofs, and as it was so quiet, with no other dogs visible for miles, we took their muzzles off for a while, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Pictures attached. In the first one, you can see the St Davids Hotel behind me, and the Norwegian Church, which we like visiting when we are down the Bay (they also do lovely home made cakes).
Hoovered the car this afternoon - a never ending battle against mud, but I'm giving a lift to another Exec member on Wednesday evening, and would like her to be able to emerge from the car without being encrusted in mud, hair and hound aromas.
Tonight I am going to start thinking about garden seeds - a pleasant anticipation of summer growth to come. We need to decide what we have room to grow. We'll definately be doing sunflowers again though - I am not giving up on those. I am also very keen to try squash/pumpkin, and courgettes.

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