Monday, February 11, 2008

It sounds like he's being tickled on the point of orgasm, or the nipple clamps were dipped in chilli before being applied. Yes, young Mr. Plant's magnificent howl opening up "Immigrant Song". That, combined with the thundering riff makes it a classic. Earlier in moment of idleness I was looking up the song lyrics on the web (so I could at least sing along with a degree of accuracy) and was tempted by a detour to the Viking Kittens. I've posted a link alongside; if you've never seen them before, these are animated kittens dressed as vikings doing their thing to the soundtrack of Immigrant Song - wonderful. The same team also have the kittens performing to "Gay Bar" by Electric Six. If you ever have a spare moment, which I know many of my readers do ( why else would you be reading this?) take a quick detour over there but make sure you have the volume turned up to get the full Zeppy glory. All together now, "WE ARE YOUR OVERLORDS".... dum dummde dum, dum dumm de dum..... This is one of the few possible alternative songs I can imagine emerging from the speakers during the scene in Apocalypse Now, when the helicopters swoop in playing "Ride of the Valkyries". Suggestions welcome for other alternatives......

In other news, it's been another sunny, clear day. I was over the park this morning just after 7.30 walking round the lake. As usual, a gorgeous close up of the herons, at one point I must have been barely 2 yards away from one, sitting on the fence over the outfall. They are such beautiful birds, and I never tire of watching them. Anyway, as I walked round to the other side, there is another sort of sluice gate, and what should be perched on top but a mink with a large fish in its mouth. Amazing. I have never seen one before in the wild and was stunned to see it, and impressed by its thick, lustrous black coat. It then disappeared into the reeds, and the dogs immediately assumed it was a new form of aquatic squirrel, so any chance of a second view was lost. News on other sightings welcome.

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