Saturday, February 09, 2008

An update. We went into town tonight to see "And then there were none", adapted from the novel by Agatha Christie. Town was heaving with many exuberant and drunken rugby supporters, many wearing kilts. Anyway, during the interval, we stepped outside the theatre for a breath of fresh air, as the New Theatre has only a tiny bar area, and the house was virtually full. Fought our way through the smokers and noticed a whole crowd of mixed Scottish and Welsh rugby supporters opposite, all singing together which was lovely. Then noticed a moment later that an exuberant Scottish supporter had cast off his kilt and was prancing around the street, completely naked except for his sporran and a large smile. Brought the entire street to a standstill - although I suspect he was more at risk from marauding hen parties than anyone else.

The play was good - thoroughly enjoyed it, although the music between acts was deafening.

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