Saturday, March 15, 2008

Not a huge amount to report. It's been a fairly quiet week for me. Greyhound meeting on Wednesday night in Swansea held at County Hall. The building is being refurbished so all of us had trouble getting in and out - good meeting though.

Every night this week we've been serenaded by either frogs or toads - I'm not sure which. They are croaking very loudly in the back garden - as it's dark and wet, can't see to check. Expert comments welcome to explain this phenomenon . Is it a mating call? The frog equivalent of Austin Powers going "Yeah baby", or a Barry White style accompaniment to frog hanky-panky? Who knows?

Talking of sex, I watched "Secretary" on Thursday evening. What an interesting film. James Spader, who has such a sexy voice I could listen to him read the telephone directory, and the beautiful Maggie Gyllenhall playing the title role. A long exploration of the boundaries of desire, repressed and therefore volcanic, with eruptions of surprisingly tender and funny S & M sex, including spanking, a memorable scene with a saddle and a carrot and an erotic hair-washing. Definately strange, but oddly enjoyable.

Now have succumbed to some sort of lurgy. My throat feels like I've smoked a packet of Woodbines and all my lymph clusters are aching - sort of how I imagine bubonic plague. I hate having a crap immune system.

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