Sunday, March 09, 2008

On Saturday we were honoured to receive a visit from cousin Jonathan, who is making a kind of stately progress around the country while his flat is being gutted and refurbished up in the grim North. Strangely there will be no flying ducks or muriels of whippets, but it sounds from his description like the most gorgeously swish redecoration. I am particularly impressed by the description of the plans for the bathrooms and dressing room, while Andrew was more interested in the NASA spec remote controls for built in sound systems and lighting. For all I know there is probably one of those pop up maps of the world you see on Bond films, which then lights up excitingly to show missile trajectories, or perhaps more usefully planned shopping routes. Anyway it sounds exciting and I really can't wait to see it.

Despite the grim weather we ventured down the Bay and had lunch in what used to be Brazz in the Millennium Centre. It is now called Gilbey's and although it was OK, I don't think we'll be rushing to return. We ventured forth for a couple of photos on the Torchwood step. Most inconsiderately, John Barrowman was nowhere to be seen. Tchah! A detour to the Red Dragon Centre for a visit to the Dr Who shop and then back to the house for coffee and chat. The day flew by, and it was lovely to see him. I am also insanely jealous as he has tickets to see Bryn Terfel singing Falstaff next weekend in Birmingham - gnash, gnash.

Today was quiet. We decided to take the dogs somewhere different, and headed for a Forestry area called Forest Drive near Risca. However when we got there it was full of mud spattered mountain bikers as there was an event on, and the trails were shut. Swung into plan B, and went back over to 14 Locks which we visited over the new year. This time, we walked the other way along the canal towpath. It was lovely, full of celandines, primroses and ducks. The day felt really springlike, with lots of scudding white clouds and a blue sky. Tonight however we are forecast to have a severe storm. Andrew made some amazing Yorkshire puddings tonight to go with the roast beef, they rose so high they stuck to the top of the oven. Fortunately there were enough to share with the woofs. Finished the evening by enjoying Gosford Park. Another brilliant performance by Helen Mirren.

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