Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Booty has been doing very well today. She had a peaceful night and an enjoyable walk this morning, enlivened by a standoff with a miniature Schnauzer with an attitude problem. Admittedly it was wearing a hideous dog Tshirt ( a hanging offence in my book) but really, that's no excuse. What kind of deranged lunatic thinks it's OK to dress up a dog in a baby style romper suit? The women walking it were also majorly overdressed - a big no-no for dog walking. We're talking fancy handbags, fancy gilets and high heeled boots!! Madness. The correct dress code for dog walking is of course minimal or no make-up, a woolly hat for most of the year, sensible boots/wellies, a shapeless waterproof coat or fleece and the only bag that you should take must be one to contain poo bags, dog water etc... certainly not some jaunty little patent number. Generally, you should be endeavouring to channel a combo of Valerie Singleton via Countryfile rather than SJP or similar fashionista.

During the day she has been trying to scratch at her eye, so we called the vet and Andrew collected the dreaded lampshade. She is not at all happy about it - she either gives us the most evil looks or what's worse, the "How could you?" look with the full-on big brown eyes that are designed to melt an iceberg. She isn't able to master stairs with it on, so we've brought her upstairs for the night now, and she's on the bed with Andrew. She's been eating well, drinking too, so I'm confident she'll continue to recover swiftly.

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