Thursday, September 21, 2006

One of the fish has died. When I came home from work, I went out to the pond to check on them. It was floating on its side in the water, so I scooped it out. This is sad, although the other fish appear to be darting around at high speed, ate their food and seemed healthy. Not quite cold noses and waggy tails but that type of thing. I told Andrew - he was very sad.

The weather forecast for tonight is for storms - the first of the equinoctal gales. It will be good to be in the house, warm and cosy, tucked up on the sofa with my cross stitching. Today has been a busy day. Finance meeting went well this morning. Then got involved in a discussion with D, our Enforcement Manager, on preparing for Bonfire Night. The police and Fire service want us to take a robust line on removing rogue bonfires before they are lit, often from open spaces. We will not be popular doing this - usually this results in needing a police escort, getting stoned and other such fun things when you try to take away what is often perceived (wrongly, I believe) as "harmless fun". D had done a note to circulate to other departments asking for their co-operation - it will be interesting to see the response.

J, our new post-grad has got stuck in today. Has had induction, and fell on our GIS system with cries of glee. His little eyes lit up and off he went, tail wagging gleefully. It's so nice to see someone enjoy themselves at work. We worked on a list of agreed tasks which helped both of us to clarify what he's doing, and will also help him feel a sense of achievement as he ticks them off. Ja is arranging for him to have a hi-vis, door fob and all the other accoutrements and has been very efficient in doing an induction with him too. Let's hope he works out well and we are able to provide him with a good experience while he is with us.

Tomorrow, I am going to the Flytipping forum held at the University of G, some 20 miles away. If the weather is good, I might wear my lovely new shoes. Oooh, the shiver of excitement as I imagine their pink gorgeousness................

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