Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So tonight is the Lost season finale - how will we cope next week? As Andrew returns tomorrow, it is recording for us to savour at our leisure.

My friend Leila has an intriguing theory about the hair conditioner in the 10K race goodie-bag. Her proposal is that conditioned hair will lie sleekly and silkily against the head, lessening wind resistance and thus giving the competitive athlete that vital edge of a few nanoseconds. It's a theory, and so far it beats the hell out of anything else I can come up with.

Have just finished the new Pratchett. Enjoyed mainly, liked the Wee Free Men but I thought the Bogles in the Underworld were pants. The little fellers should have had a more worthy opponent. Somehow, they just didn't seem frightening, it felt as though someone had suggested there ought to be a villain at that point in the narrative.

What can I say about work? We are very busy finishing off our presentation for Friday, and I at least am starting to feel nervous. Because of the video file, the size of the Powerpoint file is enormous, which causes problems in itself if we want to look at it on anything other than the computer it is being stored on. In my experience, large Powerpoint files seem to have a tendancy to just hanging and freezing - I am quite worried about this. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed. J, the "young man" who has joined us, is making valiant progress on his ever increasing task list. Unfortunately, he can't come to the presentation with us because he has a prior engagement with a football match. So we will prob take one of the Enforcement team to help and support.

Had a very grumpy meeting with my boss P this morning. On arrival, thought he looked awful and he cheerfully admitted he was coming down with some sort of lurgy. I hate this, I really do. I mean, why do some healthy people think it is OK and heroic to struggle in to work, and "bravely" struggle through, while they infect everyone else. They are usually the ones who say "Oh, I haven't taken any sick leave this year" while their colleagues are felled in their wake. In particular, there are lots of people in the world who have really compromised immune systems and just don't or can't bounce back easily. My immune system is shot these days - I picked up a cold after a conference in London at the start of the month and I am still struggling, and sound as though I am smoking forty Gitanes a day. And I'm not happy about it (in case you hadn't noticed!) There, the luxury of a blog. I can rant!! Apparently, P's wife had begged him to stay home (sensible woman, I like her already) but no, he was determined to prove his machismo...sigh.....

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