Sunday, September 24, 2006

A very proud day. Andrew completed the 10K in around 56 minutes. Last night, the rain as we lay in bed was horrendous, we both imagined how miserable it would be if it stayed like that. However, by this morning the weather had brightened considerably. We hurtled down the M4 to Swansea, found the parking easily on the Rec, and got out of the car. There was an overpowering smell of damp grass - why is that such a powerful and wonderful smell? Andrew had fun nearly piercing his nipples several times trying to attach his race number and muttered a lot when tying his chip to his leg. We then strolled over, past groups of lean, shaven headed men smelling powerfully of Deep Heat. Andrew was by now looking more and more nervous. Finally, at 1pm the race started, with around three thousand competitors. It was a marvellous and inspiring sight to see them all running away in the sunshine towards the Mumbles. I waddled back to the car for a bit to read my new Terry Pratchett, which I am enjoying very much. Aye, crivens!

By about 1.45 wandered back over to the finish, and there he was, pinching my bum while I leaned over the barrier waiting for him! Pink, sweaty, very happy and tasting very salty. He had a carrier bag given to all finishers. When we investigated the contents, they included a race medal, a bottle of Strawberry Conditioner for hair (why no shampoo?), a pen, a lolly and a certificate. I am puzzled by the conditioner - perhaps the company believe that athletes have special hair needs? Obviously the pen is for signing autographs for dazzled fans and wives but again the lolly? Pure sugar, no obvious health benefits. I wonder.

Enough wondering - it is sufficient to say that I am incredibly proud of him and that he has gone even further in my estimation. After the race, we visited favourite aunt H - who was also proudly waiting and was able to provide a hot cup of tea and a shower for the weary athlete, thus earning his undying gratitude. After a very nice chat, we left and headed home. A much deserved roast beef and in honour of the occasion, and all his hard work, I made an apple and blueberry crumble. The weary athlete is now reposing in a hot bath, surrounded by Joan Collins style layers of fragrant bubbles, looking pink and contented. Any minute now, he will emerge to take his place in bed and read for a bit before a well-earned rest. Zzzzzzz.....

The photo I have posted shows him just by the start line doing his stretches about 10 minutes before the gun.

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