Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Over the weekend we watched Pan's Labyrinth for the second time. Again, I was struck by what a powerful film it is. Beautifully acted and stunning visually, with a very clever way of alternating between the terrible horrors of the Civil War and Ofelia's own nightmarish battles in the world beneath, as well as the loss of her mother. I kept being reminded of Goya's paintings - that same horror. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.

Later in the week, I am looking forward to settling down and watching Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe, which I recorded today. This is a really lovely film and always makes me cry buckets, as it's such a touching story of friendship and the love between girl friends. Quite old now, probably about 15 years, if not more, but I'm hoping it will stand up well, especially as much of the flashback action is set in the pre-war era.

Finally, it's been a while since we had any gratuitous shots of the greyhounds. The bed was stripped this morning to take advantage of the sunshine. Before I could finish tidying, Booty had colonised it and enjoyed a relaxing snooze with her legs in the air. The other photo shows Andy having a similar power nap in the front bedroom. Clearly, it's hard work being retired.....

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